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Artie Shaw, 1910-2004: Last Great Musician of the Big Band Era “Stardust” was one of his most famous hits 12.05.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  
Words and Their Stories: Green Expressions The word can mean many things, including jealousy 12.05.2012 AM| WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen
Words and Their Stories: Green Expressions The word can mean many things, including jealousy 12.05.2012 PM| WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  
Worried That People Are Laughing at You? It's a bigger fear in some cultures than in others, and in some people it can become a disorder 8.05.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
Do It Yourself: Raising Angora Goats The U.S. is a top producer of mohair. Cashmere goats are another source of income 7.05.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
How to Help an Endangered Language Also, songs for the baseball season | THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
China’s Blind Lawyer May Come to the US Chen Guangcheng’sflight to the US Embassy brings attention to rights, abuses 3.5.2012 | IN THE NEWS Listen  
Six Environmental Activists Win Goldman Prize Also, music from Santigold. And your advice for an extremely shy engineering student in Brazil 3.5.2012 | AMERICAN MOSAIC Listen  
US-China Meeting Starts With Call for Fair Exchange Rate Meeting seeks cooperation at a time when the two countries deal with the issue of a Chinese activist 3.5.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORTListen  
Teens Get a History Lesson From History Makers Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Shirin Ebadi and other Nobel Peace Prize winners visit Chicago schools 3.5.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
American History: Hurricane Katrina, Iraq and the Great Recession Damage along the Gulf Coast, a “surge” in Iraq, and the bottom falls out of the housing market 3.5.2012 | THE MAKING OF A NATION Listen  
Volunteers Find New Ways to Put Their Helping Hands to Work Meet some people who are giving their time and energy to unusual projects | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
Language Has Risks for Health Translators They need to know what a culture will accept in finding the right words for things like body parts and sex 1.5.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
Looking for Answers to Asthma Rates of the incurable but controllable disease have been increasing worldwide 1.5.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWSListen  
The Limits to Organic Farming in Feeding the World A study says most conventional farms have bigger yields, but in some cases the differences can be small 1.5.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
A New Exhibit of Bright Life in New York City Bioluminescence show at the Natural History Museum and a look at three American artists working today 29.4.2012 | THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
Arizona State University Team Wins Imagine Cup US Finals Their “FlashFood” recovery app takes first place in Software Design 29.4.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
George Abbott, 1887-1995: 'Mister Broadway' George Abbott wrote,directed, produced and acted in plays. He was involved in more than 120 productions 28.5.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  
Words and Their Stories: Mayday The French word is a call for help 28.4.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  
Artists Paint the Town in Baltimore  Also, music from the Memphis band Lucero. And a program that helps women get education after prison 26.4.2012 | AMERICAN MOSAIC Watch  
Obama Presses Congress on Student Loan Interest A law set to end on July 1st would cause new student loan interest rates to double 26.4.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
How a Small Change in Teaching May Create Better Readers A study finds that talking to preschoolers about the letters and words in books can improve comprehension 25.4.2012 | EDUCATION REPORTListen  
Mouth X-Rays and the Brain; Infected Gums Do Not Cause Heart Attacks A study ties dental radiation to a tumor risk. A separate study finds no proof for a popular belief about gum disease 25.4.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
How the 'Mercury 13' Led the Way for Women in US Space Program Thirteen women who trained as astronauts never reached their goal of spaceflight, but cleared the path for others 25.4.2012 | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
Teaching Coffee Farmers About the Birds and the Bees A U.S. university spreads the word in Costa Rica about the value of bees and trees in coffee production 24.3.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
Longer Prison Terms Mean More Seniors Behind Bars Human Rights Watch says more needs to be done to meet the needs of a growing population of older prisoners 23.4.2012 | THIS IS AMERICAListen  
Caine’s Arcade Video Brings Creative Boy Fame A video and a “flash mob” bring thousands of dollars to a boy who built an arcade from old boxes 22.4.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORTListen  
Caine's Arcade .9.4.2012  A 9 year old boy who built an elaborate cardboard arcade in his dad's used auto parts store is about to have the best day of his life. Help Caine's Scholarship Fund: http://CainesArcade.com

Get the Caine's Arcade Theme Song on iTunes!
Caine's Arcade online: http://twitter.com/cainesarcade ¦ http://facebook.com/cainesarcade
Caine's Arcade Interview with 9-Year Old Caine Monroy.mp4 .12.4.2012  Noticed how he doesnt have any gameboy or whatever!
he made Cain's Arcade Inside his dad's used auto part store
La Sensación de Las Maquinitas de Caine .13.4.2012  Pagina de Cain: http://cainesarcade.com
http://bit.ly/tBp43j SUSCRIBANSE!
http://twitter.com/#!/ClevverTeVe MANDENOS UN TWEET!
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Hace solo un par de días que subieron un video a Youtube llamado Cains Arcade o en español Las Maquinitas de Cain. Pero porque tanta sensación, bueno les cuento son maquinitas hechas a mano de carton y todo creado por un niño latino de solo 9 años llamado Cain. Este niño en el Este de Los Ángeles empezó a cortar y pegar cartones de los que le sobraban a su papa en el taller donde se vende piezas de automóviles usadas. Su primer juego fue un simple aro de baloncesto. Un día entro un joven creador de videos llamado Nirvan Mullick quien solo buscaba comprar una manilla usada para su auto. Ahí descubrió lo que poco a poco creaba cain y le pidió permiso al padre del niño de hacer un video.
El pequeño inventor de maquinitas le cobro $1 por cuatro oportunidades o le ofreció lo que el creo llamado "Fun Pass" que le daba mas de 500 oportunidades. Pero como monitorea Caín que el numero de "Fun Pass" sea valido y no falso...vean como usando unos números en la calculadora le ayuda a Caín a cuidar su pequeño negocio!
NO solo este niño se la ingenio para crear juegos y poner precios si no como todo lugar de maquinitas si ganas salen boletitos que después los puedes cambiar por algún carrito usado de él.
El objetivo de el creador del video fue traerle mas clientes a Cain y ayudarlo a crear una cuenta para recaudar fondos para su futura colegiatura! La gran sorpresa que se llevaron fue que el primer dia recaudo mas de $60 mil dólares, después $100 mil y ahora lleva mas de $120 mil dólares. Despues de que se lanzo el video, Nirvan sin consultar con Cain creo un evento sorpresa para que fuera mucha gente a ver la creación de Cain, vean la sorpresa que se llevo!
Bueno esto no solo nos recuerda de ser niños pero también de que los niños deben pensar mas allá de siempre jugar jueguitos en la computadora o consola de PlayStation. Ustedes algún dia han creado algo, no se con legos o algo? Platíquenme en sus comentarios debajo y como siempre no olvide de suscribirse yo soy Vivian Fabiola para Clevver Teve.

Words and Their Stories: Baloney Expressions used to describe false, wrong or foolish things 20.4.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  
Beverly Sills, 1929-2007: A Beautiful Voice for Opera and the Arts Sills was the “Queen of American Opera.” She also led three major performing arts centers in New York City 20.4.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  
Counting Down to the Olympic Crowds in London Opening ceremonies are July 27. Visitors for the Games may have to prepare for long waits at the airport 20.4.2012 | IN THE NEWS Listen  
Pop Singer Lionel Richie Heads South for Home with 'Tuskegee' Also, school kids learn about giving and the law goes on the run in America's Mojave Desert 19.4.2012 | AMERICAN MOSAICListen  
World Bank and International Monetary Fund Open Spring Meetings in Washington Robert Zoellick is ending his term as World Bank President 19.4.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
Group Helps Women Former Prisoners Continue Their Education CCF helps women identify the college programs that best meet their needs. 19.4.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
Dementia Cases May Triple by 2050 as World Ages A new report says few countries have national programs to deal with this disorder in older populations 17.4.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
At the Vatican, Some of the World’s Greatest Art Each year, millions of people visit the Vatican Museums to see works by artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael 17.4.2012 | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
From Ancient Farmers, Lessons for Today's Amazon A study suggests that pre-Columbian farmers used less burning than is widely believed | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
For Burmese Rockers, What Will Fewer Limits Mean? 24.4.2012
Women in the Navy: Aboard an Aircraft Carrier    16.4.2012  
How the Tuskegee Airmen Broke Racial Barriers 16.4.2012

Group Announces New Effort to Solve the Mystery of Amelia Earhart's Final Flight Also: America’s national parks as classrooms and a plan to bring electricity to poor, rural areas 16.4.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWSListen  
How Safe Do You Feel in Your Neighborhood? Why that question -- and the influence of James Q. Wilson -- is so important in modern law enforcement 16.4.2012 | THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
15,000 Websites That Spread Terror and Hate The Simon Wiesenthal Center in California has released its latest "“Digital Terror and Hate" report 15.4.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some terrible back pains: (29.3 - 16.4) mainly during easter week (5.4 - 16.4)

Chief Joseph, 1840-1904: A Hero of Freedom for Native Americans, Part Two Part two of a story about a great Nez Perce Indian chief 15.4.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  
Chief Joseph, 1840-1904: A Hero of Freedom for Native Americans, Part One He was a hero of freedom for Native Americans 7.4.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen            
Words and Their Stories: In the Red Some expressions used in business and investing 13.4.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIESListen
Hollywood Tells Aung San Suu Kyi's Story in the Film, 'The Lady' Also, advice for a man who dreams of designing cars and music from Bonnie Raitt |12.4.2012  AMERICAN MOSAIC Listen  
US Brings Case Against Apple and Five Book Publishers Over Electronic Books The Justice Department says Apple and publishers made a deal to unfairly raise e-book prices 10.4.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
China, Mexico and Brazil Lead Gains in US Graduate School Applications A survey finds a decrease in applications from Africa, while the Middle East and Europe showed growth | EDUCATION REPORT Listen    
Mesa Verde National Park: Protecting an Ancient Culture The park in Colorado has more than 5,000 ruins from the time of the Ancestral Puebloans | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
Tornado Season Returns On average, more than 1,000 tornadoes are reported in the United States each year 9.4.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWS Listen
A Call for Equal Rights for Women Farmers an anti-hunger group, says giving women the same rights as men would reduce world hunger 9.4.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORTListen  
Why Birth Control Is Suddenly a Hot Issue Critics say President Obama's requirement for employer health plans to offer contraception violates religious freedom 9.4.2012 | THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
  The Empire State Building  Learn English by reading and listening to the article. Then open the activities on the right side of the page.6.4.2012 Skill Level: BEGINNER Listen  
How Gold Became the Gold Standard for Trade Prices have been hitting record highs for the metal, which used to be the basis for international trade 6.4.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
A Vacuum Cleaner for Destroying Space Junk
A Vacuum Cleaner for Destroying Space Junk Also, scientists relaunch a project (shown) aimed at getting the public involved in the search for alien life 4.4.2012 | EXPLORATIONSListen  
Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children
Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children A new study in miceoffers evidence that early exposure to germs strengthens the adult immune system 3.4.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
New Findings About Loss of Bees
New Findings About Loss of BeesResearchers suggestthat an insecticide could cause honeybees to get drunk and lost | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen
Margaret Sanger, 1883-1966: A Leader of the Birth Control Movement
Margaret Sanger, 1883-1966: A Leader of the Birth Control Movement She believed that a safe and sure method of preventing pregnancy was necessary for women’s freedom. 31.3.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen
MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as distance learning
Can the Government Require Health Coverage?  The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule in June on President Obama's health care law 29.3.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as distance learning
Another Look at Massive Online Open Courses Online courses increase people’s chances to get more education. But can every subject be taught that way? 28.3.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
In Rural India, Medical Myths Spread
In Rural India, Medical Myths SpreadLack of doctors means villagers depend on healers who claim to cure things like "puppy pregnancy syndrome 27.3.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
Water Problems and the World
Water Problems and the World A U.S. report says North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia will be most affected in the next 10 years 26.3.12 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
Bahrain and Belarus Added to an ‘Enemies of the Internet’ List
Bahrain and Belarus Added to an ‘Enemies of the Internet’ List Media rights group Reporters Without Borders released its yearly lists earlier this month 25.3.12 | TECHNOLOGY REPORTListen  
Microcredit Is Expanding to Savings and Other Products for Poor People
Microcredit Is Expanding to Savings and Other Products for Poor People Ghiyath Nakshbendi of American University says savings accounts can bring sustainability to microfinance 26.3.12| ECONOMICS REPORTListen  
Soldiers outside the presidential palace in Bamako, Mali, on Friday after a military coup
Mali Coup Shows Tensions Over Tuareg Fighters Back From Libya Soldiers say they ousted the democratically elected president over his failure to end a Tuareg rebellion 23.3.12 | IN THE NEWS Listen n  
Soldiers outside the presidential palace in Bamako, Mali, on Friday after a military coup
A Birth Procedure Does Little to Prevent Bleeding A study finds controlled-cord traction is less important than giving women the hormone oxytocin after birth 21.3.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen n  
A view from Arches National Park
Visiting Four National Parks in the State of Utah Arches+, Canyonlands+(Maze,Needles,Island in the Sky,UpheavalDome+), Bryce+ and Zion+ National Parks are famous for their great natural beauty 21.3.2012 | EXPLORATIONS Listen
Getting a Free Education, in Huge Online Classes
Getting a Free Education, in Huge Online Classes Welcome to the world of MOOCs, massive open online courses offered by professors and universities 21.3.2012 | www.udacity.com EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
VOA correspondent Steve Herman videotaping on the perimeter of the 20km radiation exclusion zone in Fukushima prefecture, Kawauchi Japan, March 6, 2012
'Kony 2012': The Success, and the Criticism Some praise the popular video for bringing attention to a violent group; others say it may be misleading 19.3.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT | Listen  
For Meat Lovers, the Challenge of Faking It
For Meat Lovers, the Challenge of Faking It Food scientists work to make alternatives that are tough to tell apart from the real thing 19.3.12 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
The London School at New London, Texas before the 1937 explosion
Texas School Tragedy Remembered 75 Years Later Also, nongovernmental organization Samasource provides jobs for the poor through the Internet 18.3.2012 | THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
Rare earth oxides from top center clockwise: praseodymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, and gadoliniun
Limits on Rare Earth Exports Get China in Trade Dispute U.S., E.U. and Japan say China’s mineral export quotas break the rules 15.3.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
A Story Pirates performance in New York City in February
These Pirates Help Children Learn to Write A group called Story Pirates sends actors and teachers into schools to help students develop their skills 15.3.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Watch  
A Possible Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease
New Findings on Sleep in Children, Older Adults Studies link breathing disorders in sleeping children to behavior, and find that sleep gets better with age 13.3.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
A Possible Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease
A Possible Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease Researchers hope new tests will help identify the disease earlier and even stop its progress 12.3.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWS Listen  

Making Power From Coconut Shells, Mango Pits
Making Power From Coconut Shells, Mango Pits Researchers suggest a way to bring electricity to poor, rural areas using a process called gasification 12.3.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
  Making Power from Coconut Shells & Mango Pits   Read and listen to the article. Then, open the activities on the right side of the page to learn English. Skill level:29.3.2012 INTERMEDIATE Listen  
VOA correspondent Steve Herman videotaping on the perimeter of the 20km radiation exclusion zone in Fukushima prefecture, Kawauchi Japan, March 6, 2012
Japan, a Year After the Disaster Many people are stillin temporary housing as a result of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident 9.3.2012 | IN THE NEWS | Listen
Demonstrators march with a replica of a pipeline during a protest to demand a stop to the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline outside the White House on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011, in Washington
Energy As an Issue in America’s Presidential Campaign Republicans want a plan using all-of-the-above, while the president calls for new energy sources.8.3.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  



Experts say in addition to a high dropout rate, South Africa does not produce enough students with the skills for higher education in math and science. Students are shown outside the University of Johannesburg in January
High Dropout Rate a Problem for South Africa Experts say less than half of the children who started school in 2000 finished twelfth grade last year 8.3.2012 l EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
  High Dropout Rate a Problem for South Africa   Read and listen to the article. Then, open the activities on the right side of the page to learn English. Skill Level: 27.3.2012  BEGINNER Listen  
President Clinton thanks Democrats in the House of Representatives who opposed his impeachment, as first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton watches, on December 19, 1998
American History: President Clinton’s Legal ProblemsBill Clinton was the second American president ever to be put on trial in Congress 8.3.2012 | THE MAKING OF A NATIONT Listen  
Volunteers harvest spinach at EcoCity Farms in Edmonston, Maryland
The Appeal of Urban FarmingFarms in unlikely places are bringing more fresh produce to more Americans 5.3.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
Frank and Jesse James, Brothers in Crime in the Old West
Frank and Jesse James, Brothers in Crime in the Old West They were two of the best-known outlaws of their time 5.3.2012 | PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  
Taking Medicine, With a Microchip Under the Skin
Taking Medicine, With a Microchip Under the Skin Researchers say a new device could replace injections and improve the lives of millions of patients 4.3.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
The Lady, or the Tiger?
Short Story: ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ by Frank R. Stockton2.3.2012 | AMERICAN STORIES Listen  
Russian election officials hold an election poster showing the candidates.
After Big Protests, Russians Vote for President Sunday's election is expected to return Vladimir Putin to the office he held from 2000 to 2008 2.3.2012 | IN THE NEWS Listen  
Apple in Legal Battle Over iPad Name in China A Chinese company says it owns the iPad name and wants Apple to pay a financial settlement 2.3.2012 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
Using National Parks as Classrooms The National Park Service plans to expand its educational programs as it nears its 100th anniversary 1.3.2012| EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
A woman holds her stomach at the last stages of her pregnancy
Obama Seeks Privacy Bill of Rights for Internet Users  The plan would give Americans more control over what information is collected about them and how it’s used 28.2.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT  Listen  
A woman holds her stomach at the last stages of her pregnancy
A Way to Make New Eggs in Women? A study in the U.S. could raise new hope for women who are having trouble getting pregnant 28.2.2012 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
Companion planting
Friends With Benefits, in the Plant World How companionplantings can help each other grow. Also, advice about how to ripen fruit faster 27.2.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth
NASA Celebrates Past While Facing Unsure Future Also efforts to 'zone' the ocean and how massage can heal 27.2.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWS Listen  
Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, right, and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos after a meeting of euro-area finance ministers in Brussels
European Ministers Agree to Loan Greece Another $172 BillionBut the rescue loan requires deep and unpopular cuts 24.2.2012| ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  
An anti-G20 demonstrator at the France-Monaco border on Thursday
Europe and the Debt Crisis in Greece Greeks in rural areas say the crisis is hitting them hard and that the government is ignoring their problems 4.11.2011| IN THE NEWS Listen  
Historic HOLLYWOOD sign
Who Made Hollywood Into Hollywood? How Cecil B. DeMille,Samuel Goldwyn and Louis Mayer built the motion picture industry 25.2.2012| PEOPLE IN AMERICA Listen  

Billy Crystal will host of the 84th Annual Academy Awards.
The Movie Industry Holds its Breath for the Academy Awards Oscar night is Hollywood’s biggest event 24.2.2012 | IN THE NEWS Listen  
  The 84th Academy Awards 05.3.2012 | American Life & Culture   Listen  
Grinnell College in Iowa has a student-operated microfinance organization
College Students Get Into Microfinance Lending Student groups at some schools become social entrepreneurs, providing loans to start small businesses 22.2.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
Paul Wallace of Petaluma Seed Bank looks at heirloom seeds. Many are traditional varieties passed down from generation to generation
Working to Protect Plants for Future Generations Experts say biodiversity is important, but not all agree that a decrease in cultivated food crops is a crisis 21.2.2012 | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
Doctors operate to place electrical devices in the brain of a patient with Parkinson's to ease symptoms of the disease
Researchers Hunt for Clues about Parkinson’s Disease Studies have shown a link between the disease and some chemical products like pesticides 20.2.2012  | SCIENCE IN THE NEWS Listen  
Numbers Part Two
Words and Their Stories: Numbers Part Two Two heads are better than one. Part two of two stories about expressions that use numbers 25.2.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  
Some say singer Aaliyah was 'one in a million'
Words and Their Stories: Number One Part one of two stories about expressions that use numbers 18.2.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  

Two of the three chimeric monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Center
Looking Back on the Life and Music of Whitney Houston The six-time Grammy winner and actress died at the age of 48 after a life of success and struggles 16.2.2012 | AMERICAN MOSAIC +WH +SONGS Listen  
  Remembering Whitney Houston 21.2.2012 | Arts and Entertainment   Listen  
Two of the three chimeric monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Center
Scientists Create First Genetically Engineered Monkeys The search for the "God particle." And, how rising levels of carbon dioxide are changing the chemistry of oceans 13.2.2012 | SCIENCE IN THE NEWS Listen  
Drones: Not Just for Military Use
Drones: Not Just for Military Use Human rights activists, environmental groups, journalists and others are increasingly using drones in their work 12.2.2012 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
The cyclists who placed first and second crossed the finish line just one second - the width of one wheel - apart in this year's Arrowhead 135
Athletes Battle Extreme Conditions in Arrowhead 135 Athletes Battle Extreme Conditions in Arrowhead 135 12.2.2012  ¦ THIS IS AMERICA Listen  
Log rolling at the opening day of the Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pensylvania
Words and Their Stories: Easy as Falling Off a Log Terms for situations that are easy andnot so easy 11.2.2012 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen  
Really, It's OK to Pinch Mums
Really, It's OK to Pinch Mums Advice for getting the most out of growing chrysanthemums 6.2.1012  | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  

Don Cornelius at a rehearsal for the 2001 Soul Train Music Awards show in Los Angeles
Remembering Don Cornelius and His ‘Soul Train’ Plus, in time for Valentine's Day, we get relationship advice from an expert 9.2.2012 | AMERICAN MOSAIC Listen  
 Remembering Don Cornelius: Host and Creator of ‘Soul Train 02.2.2012 | The Classroom    Listen  
A 9-year-old boy with dyslexia in an MRI machine in 2004. Scientists now want to know whether brain images can identify younger children who might develop future reading problems
Can Brain Scans of Young Children Predict Reading Problems? Researchers are studying 5-year-olds for signs of dyslexia; early treatment is important 8.2.2012 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
Grow It Yourself: Diving Into Aquaponics
Grow It Yourself: Diving Into Aquaponics   Interest grows in producing vegetables and fish in the same closed system, without pesticides 30.1.2012 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  
Mind controlled machines in five years?
IBM Says Minds Will Control Machines Within Five Years IBM researchers release the company’s latest ‘5 in 5’ report | TECHNOLOGY REPORT - 22.1.2012  ¦ Human mind Listen  
Costa Concordia Wreck
Captain Blamed for Italy’s Costa Concordia Disaster Recordings show Captain Schettino refused to return to the sinking passenger ship,IN THE NEWS, 20.1.2012 mHeart g p k Listen  
California scientists discovered the exploding star in the Pinwheel Galaxy, located about 21 million light years from Earth
A Star Explodes, and Astronomers Make a Quick Discovery Also, why some chili peppers are so hot. How music can ease pain. And a drop in obese children in New York City 16.1.2012 ScienceInTheNews Listen  
Sigmund Freud
How Freud Changed What People Thought About the Mind Examining Sigmund Freud's influence on the science of mental health 27.12.2010 | EXPLORATIONS Listen  
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover lifts off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on November 26
Words and Their Stories: You Don't Have to Be a Rocket Scientist Extreme intelligence not required for this expression 17.12.2011 | WORDS AND THEIR STORIES Listen
Looking at the 'Dark Side' of Creativity A study finds that creative thinkers are more likely to cheat, and better at making excuses to themselves 14.12.2011 | HEALTH REPORT Listen
An Amazon Kindle e-Reader
E-Book Lending at Libraries 25.09.2011 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
 E-Book Lending at Libraries 28.11.2011 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  

Steve Jobs Remembered
Steve Jobs Remembered The Apple co-founder redesigned technology and American commerce 09.10.2011 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  
 Steve Jobs Remembered   02.11.2011 | American Life & Culture Listen  
Steve Jobs Steps Down with Apple on Top
Steve Jobs Steps Down with Apple on Top Jobs helped build Apple into the world's most valuable technology company 1.9.2011 | ECONOMICS REPORT  Listen
African Film Shows Tensions Between Banana Growers, Villagers "The Big Banana," currently being shown in US, looks at issue like land rights, food insecurity and pollution 15.8.2011 | AGRICULTURE REPORT Listen  

 Living in a World With Facial Recognition   Learn English by reading and listening to the article. Then open the activities on the right side of the page. 13.9.2011 Skill Level: BEGINNER Listen  
Living in a World With Facial Recognition A study warns of privacy risks from systems that can identify people from images on sites like Facebook 14.92011 | TECHNOLOGY REPORT Listen  

WHO Urges Ban on Blood Test for Tuberculosis A The United Nations agency says a common test for TB may be dangerously inaccurate 18.8.2011 | HEALTH REPORT Listen  
Dallas Creates a Public School for Boys A girls schools already exists; parents say they look forward to sending their sons to the new academy 17.8.2011 | EDUCATION REPORT Listen  
Germany, France Seek 'True European Economic Government' But many experts question how willing EU members will be to deal with their debt problems together 18.8.2011 | ECONOMICS REPORT Listen  

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Pot to Pot Cooling system
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New kind of Maize
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Golden Rice
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496 agriculture
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1(19,12,6,mars-24fev12=30) 22.3.12  ¦  2(24,20,16,15,13,7,4,2Fev,31Jan=30) 23.3.12
3(31,23,18,16,12,9,6,2Jan,22Dec11)+4(22,20,15,9,7,5,Dec11,29,23,nov11)+5(23,16,2,nov,25,20,17,10oct11) 24.3.12
6(4oct,28,21,15,13,12,5,sep)+7(5sep,29,23,16,8,5,2aug,26jul)+8(25,19,4jul,28,27,22jun12) <<<25.3.12- - -
9(22,20,9,1jun,26,19,12mai)+10(12,11,6,3mai,27,18,13,11,6.ap12<<+>>) 26.3.2012 ¦  11(6apr,31,23,22,14mar11)
27(28,27,21,âout.2009=18) 23.3.12
Health report18jan12
Economic report2jan12
Agriculture report 2jan12
Education report22dec11
Agriculture 22dec11
Curiosity Rover15dec11
Soccer 9dec11
Michelle Branch 2nov11
Economy 25oct11
Economy 21sep11
Agriculture, Banana21sep11
Coral 16sep11
Screen Time12sep11
Bats 5sep11
Brain 5sep11
Taxi 5sep11
Weed Eater23aug
Walking Miracle8aug

Health report 7.2.12
394 health
384 agriculture
394 development
393 education
392 development
291 education

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Christ Jane Making a splash Bean through an animal Carnival climax Whale graveyard unearthed Mind reading crash course Underwater volcano South Korea's internet addicts

56.§Tourism amongst the tanks 9 May 2012 pdf  vn   
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50.§New broadband for Africa? 30 April 2012 pdf  vn <+  
49.§Voting for God 27 April 2012 pdf  vn <+  
48.§Explaining Hitler 26 April 2012 pdf  vn <+  
47.§Football crosses ocean 25 April 2012 pdf  vn <+  
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Standing tall
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25.§Are Indian train fares fair? 15 March 2012 pdf  vn <+ India's railway safety has to be improved
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23.§Kabul's first women-only internet cafe Monday 12 March 2012 pdf vn <+ Afghan women surf the net in the Sahar Gul net cafe
22.§Great Barrier Reef under threat Thursday, 08 March 2012 pdf  vn <+ A stingray enjoying the Great Barrier Reef
21.§**Making a splash Wednesday, 07 March 2012 pdf  vn Making a splash
20.§Citizen scientists Tuesday, 06 March 2012 pdf  vn <+ The SETI Allen Telescope Array and SETI astronomers in California
19.§**Bean through an animal Wednesday, 29 February 2012 pdf  vn Bean through an animal
18.§Do women have unlimited human eggs? 28 February 2012 pdf <+ Researchers say stem cells in ovaries may one day improve fertility treatment
17.§**Carnival climax 22 February 2012 pdf  vn Carnival climax
16.§Ocean life under threat 21 February 2012 pdf <+ The seawater acidification may endanger world's oceans biodiversity
15.§Vietnam land repossessions 24 January 2012 pdf <+
People working on the land
14.§**Thriller in Manila Video 14 December 2011 pdf vn Thriller in Manila
13.§Scientists find 208 new species 12 December 2011 pdf vn <+ A self-cloning lizard which reproduces via cloning without the need for males
12.§Hawaii's volcano could turn violent 9 December2011 pdf  vn <+ Kilauea's lava flows running into the ocean are a tourist attraction
11.§**Coral on thin ice Video 07 December 2011  pdf  vn Coral on thin ice
10.§New evidence of water on Jupiter's moon 18 November 2011 pdf vn <+ SolarSystem ss E Scientists have found water on Europa, Jupiter's moon
09.§**Whale graveyard unearthed 16 November 2011 pdf  vn Whale graveyard unearthed
08.§**Mind reading crash course 9 November 2011 pdf  vn Mind reading crash course
07.§**Crocodile tears Wednesday, 19 October 2011 pdf  vn Crocodile tears
06.§**Search for the stars 06 october 2011 2011 pdf  vn Tìm kiếm các vì sao
05.§**Laughter yoga in Hanoi  28 September 2011 pdf  vn Laughter Yoga
04.§**Palestinians in UN bid 21 September 2011 pdf  vn Palestine
03.§**Underwater volcano Tuesday, 23 August 201 pdf  vn Underwater volcano
02.§**Indonesian track treatmen Friday, 19 August 2011 pdf  vn Indonesian track treatment
01.§**South Korea's internet addicts 3 August 2011 pdf  vn South Korea's internet addicts

° 14  

14°A Peruvian 'hero' 3 May 2012 pdf Why does Jen ask Li to wake up and smell the coffee?
13°Dream apps 19.4.2012 pdf Why does Jen ask Li to wake up and smell the coffee?
12°London's Theatreland 5 April 2012 pdf
11°Funeral fit for a king 30 March English pdf Pall-bearers carry the King of Tonga's coffin
10°Hong Kong airport expansion 22 March 2012 pdf Chek Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong
09°The extinction of men 15 March 2012 pdf Human DNA
08°Antarctic Aliens 8 March 2012  pdf Antarctica
07°US orbit anniversary Thursday, 23 February 2012 pdf John Glenn, a former astronaut
06°Scott of the Antarctic 2 February 2012 pdf Scott of the Antarctic
05°Captain's etiquette Thursday, 26 January 2012 pdf When the famous ship, Titanic, sank in 1912 the captain was the last on board.
04°Hopes for 2012  5 January 2012 pdf
What are your hopes for 2012?
03°Online shopping 6 Minute English: 8 December 2011  pdf Do you prefer to shop online or go to the high street?
02°Volcano 1 December 2011 pdf   kilauea Gorillas + ° Volcano
01°Robots 15 December 2011 pdf An iCub robot built by the Italian Institute of Technology
-1°NASA's last shuttle flight 7 July 2011 pdf Space shuttle Atlantis in orbit around the Earth (Image: NASA)
-2°Asteroid mission 22 October 2008 pdf Asteroid mission

! 16    

16!Wake up and smell the coffee! 28 February 2012 pdf
Why does Jen ask Li to wake up and smell the coffee?
15!Have your cake and eat it  21 February 2012  pdf
Can you have your cake and eat it?
14!Happy Bunny  14 February 2012  pdf
Are you a happy bunny?
13!Get your hands dirty 07 February 2012  pdf
How's that for a bit of fun?
12!Don't get me wrong! 31 January 2012  pdf
Don't get me wrong!
11!Dragon  23 January 2012  pdf
Why did Neil call Li a dragon?
10!Stuffed  10 January 2012  pdf

This man is stuffing himself with food
09!Work for peanuts20 December 2011  pdf
Why Neil doesn't want peanuts for his work?
08!Sinking Feeling  6 December 2011 pdf
Why Li and Neil had sinking feeling?
07!Lairy  15 November 2011  pdf
Lairy football fans
06!Sponger 8 November 2011  pdf
A sponger enjoys life without working.
05!The creeps  31 October 2011  pdf
Traditional Halloween jack-o'-lanterns
04!Smoothie  25 October 2011  pdf
Have you ever met a smoothie?
03!Get Lost  18 October 2011  pdf
Is it a nice thing to say 'get lost'?
02!Playing up  11 October 2011  pdf
Is her leg playing up?
01!Heavy  4 October 2011  pdf It often rains heavily in the UK

+ 7  

07+Happiness  12 December 2011  pdf
When you're down, what makes you happy?
06+Social networking  5 December 2011  pdf
Do you use social networking sites?
05+National stereotypes 28 November 2011  pdf
What do people think of when they think of your country?
04+Spare time  21 November 2011  pdf
What do you do in your spare time?
03+Embarrassment 14 November 201  pdf
What's your most embarrassing moment?
02+Heroes  7 November 2011  pdf
Who's your hero and why?
01+Your ideal trip 30 June 20111  pdf What would be your ideal trip?


06Asking for the time pdf
05How to ... hello & goodbye
  • Greet people (informal)  pdf
  • Greet people (formal)  pdf
  • Introductions  pdf
  • Small talk  pdf
  • Saying goodbye
  •   pdf

    “Tôi đánh xe trâu rước dâu
    cho chân chất làng quê”
    2 chiens jouent 'La Valse des Puces' au piano


    11§The Teacher - New Year: idioms of deceit Video.mp4 20 December 2011 pdf vn <+video+
    thành ngữ và cụm từ về nói dối

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